Friday, March 14, 2008


I remember, vividly! And you did not miss!! You threw up all over yourself, on Dianne and on me. We walked around for the entire rest of the day all wearing your vomit on our legs. I have been traumatized for life by that experience and am not sure I will be able to spend a weekend in Wisconsin Dells without flashbacks - whenever I drive near the Dells I can still smell it!

I do not camp; I really hate the dry counties in Kentucky (and all points in between WI and KY); I think any convention will bore me to death; I do not camp.

I vote for wherever there is good food, good drink, sunshine, clean sheets and a hot shower. I think the Dells, Chicago area, Lake Geneva, or Hotlanta would work. Can we look to see if there is availability at a resort in a couple of the proposed locations - lack of availability may help us narrow our choices??

Finally, I want to know who you people are??? What is it with all these names..CoonDog, Good CoonDog, Big D, Little D...who the hell are you people???


Lynn said...

You gals told me this story the first time I met you at Thanksgiving. I knew right then and there that I wanted to marry into this family!

Lynn said...
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